June 2024

Taking the Risk Out of Healthcare
Welcome to the June edition of the Censinet Newsletter! We're excited to share some significant updates and success stories this month. Learn how vendors are saying goodbye to the tedious chore of filling out security questionnaires and embracing a more efficient approach to risk management. Also in our recent Censinet Champions webinar, Intermountain Health talks about their journey in managing third-party risk and enterprise risk management.
Plus, don't miss our latest podcast episode with Rebecca Kennis, the Chief Information Security Officer at Arnot Health, as she reflects on her journey into healthcare IT and offers valuable advice for professionals looking to break into cybersecurity.
Follow our LinkedIn page for the latest insights. Your partnership and support inspire us to keep pushing the boundaries in healthcare cybersecurity.
Let's dive in!

Sick of Security Questionnaires? Make Them Go Away with Censinet Connect™ Copilot
Censinet Connect™ Copilot takes the pain out of security questionnaires by automatically answering them for you. LEARN MORE
Censinet Champions: Real Stories, Remarkable Change - Intermountain Health
Unlock the true potential of your third-party risk management program with our exclusive webinar series, "Censinet Champions." Learn how Intermountain Health leveraged the IRB process to simplify assessments and improve efficiency.
Behind the Scenes of Healthcare Security
In episode 83, Rebecca Kennis, the Chief Information Security Officer at Arnot Health, discusses the importance of managing third-party vendors, continuous security training for staff, and evaluating AI technologies in healthcare.
Did you know Censinet RiskOpsTM reduces risk assessment completion time down to less than 10 days on average – with reassessments taking less than a day?
Thanks for your continued support.
The Censinet Team