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Vendor Solutions

Sick of Security Questionnaires? Make Them Go Away with Censinet Connect™ Copilot

Automatically Answer All Incoming Questionnaires

Censinet Connect™ Copilot takes the pain out of security questionnaires by automatically answering them for you. Simply drag n’ drop any and all previously-completed questionnaires with your most current risk data into Censinet Connect™ Copilot – including Censinet RiskOps™ standardized questionnaires – and quickly answer all incoming spreadsheets, PDFs, or any risk assessment intake form. You and your team review for accuracy and submit. That’s it!

Automatically answer all incoming questionnaires

Do the Work Once with End-to-End Assessment Automation

Eliminate Security Questionnaires for Good

Healthcare vendors are increasingly overwhelmed with the entire risk assessment process – there’s simply too many security questionnaires to manage and the whole process demands too much time and manual labor. Censinet solves these problems with purpose-built workflow automation designed for vendors to significantly accelerate the entire risk assessment process – including making the laborious task of “filling out security questionnaires” a process of the past.

Eliminate Security Questionnaires for Good

Instantly Share Completed Questionnaires with 1-Click Assessments™

Share Your Risk Posture in a Single Click

1-Click Assessments™ enables healthcare vendors to instantly share previously-completed Censinet standardized questionnaires upon request (with all evidence and documentation) with any organization on the Censinet RiskOps™ platform requesting a risk assessment.

Need to update risk data or documentation? Easily make updates at any time and share with 1-Click Assessments™ to ensure customers always see the most current risk posture for your organization and products.

Risk Data and Evidence Icons

Proactively Share Completed Questionnaires with Customers and Accelerate the Sales Cycle with Censinet Connect™ Data Pods

Three easy steps for more sales, less work…

Complete security questionnaires with with supporting documentation just once.
Screenshot of Censinet Security Questionnaire
Share completed questionnaires with an unlimited number of prospective customers.
Screenshot of Censinet Completed Questionnaire
Manage and update data, access, permissions, and documents as needed.
Screenshot of Censinet Data Management
Censinet Risk Assessment Request Graphic

Censinet RiskOps™ Demo Request

Do you want to revolutionize the way your healthcare organization manages third-party and enterprise risk while also saving time, money, and increasing data security? It’s time for RiskOps.

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