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Censinet CPG Compliance Starter Toolkit for AHA Members

Censinet CPG Compliance Starter Kit contains free tools to: assess, align, benchmark, implement, monitor, and comply with Essential and Enhanced CPGs:


Assess organizational compliance with all CPGs and recognized security practices with annual enterprise assessments and reporting for:

  • HPH Cybersecurity Performance Goals (CPGs)
  • NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)
  • 405(d) Health Industry Cybersecurity Practices (HICP)


Benchmarking capabilities to prioritize resource allocation and help justify investment:

  • Participation in the Benchmarking Study initiative for NIST, HICP, and CPGs
  • Comparison to industry aggregate benchmarks with benchmarking dashboards
  • Annual performance trending, basic peer group filters, Board-level reporting
  • Access to the annual Summary Report re: current findings from the Study


Full reporting capabilities to demonstrate end-to-end program compliance with all 10 Essential and 10 Enhanced CPGs.

Discounted Offerings

30% off Censinet RiskOps for Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) platform license
20% off all Censinet RiskOps Managed Services (MSP)

Complete the Form to Recieve the Toolkit

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